1. Post a blog each week of at least 200 words. You could:
-describe something you learned that week
-explain something that surprised you about the week
-provide an update about projects you're working on
-explain how you solved a problem

Include images or video that you shoot on project-the combination of words and images is what makes a post interesting

2. Comment on one of your classmates' posts. Show your interest in what your classmate is doing on his/her project; make good feelings!

Let's agree that all blog posts are due by the end of the day on the last three Mondays during May, which means the first post is due by the end of the day on Monday, May 10. Happy blogging!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Business & Web Development at Smart Solutions Week 3

So for the past week on project I've been doing... exactly what I was doing the previous week. Oh boy! But I can't say it was boring, I enjoy the type of work I'm doing. Just no game-changers or anything happened this week. The upside? Ten days of uninterrupted work, I got stuff done.

So the site is (basically) complete. I keep tweaking it, but in my opinion it has been suitable to go live since Sunday, when I went through and made sure the page would render correctly in all* major browsers.

* “Internet Explorer 6.0”? What's that?

There has been one small problem however... the site won't load at all on computers networked to the Smart Solutions office. It's a server issue and not my fault, but it means the employees -and my sponsor- have yet to see any of what I've done! The only exception being when they glance over my shoulder from a short distance. Did I mention I'm doing the whole project on a netbook with a ten inch screen?

So with the bulk of the work out of the way, now I have to sell the thing to the higher-ups, then if all goes well I can implement it incorporating their feedback. Following that, I will (finally) be able to link to the site from here.

- John K.

P.S. Seeing as I can't provide anything until my project is done, I will give a quick example of something I can do with HTML and CSS. If you look to your right, you will notice that you are now being watched.

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