1. Post a blog each week of at least 200 words. You could:
-describe something you learned that week
-explain something that surprised you about the week
-provide an update about projects you're working on
-explain how you solved a problem

Include images or video that you shoot on project-the combination of words and images is what makes a post interesting

2. Comment on one of your classmates' posts. Show your interest in what your classmate is doing on his/her project; make good feelings!

Let's agree that all blog posts are due by the end of the day on the last three Mondays during May, which means the first post is due by the end of the day on Monday, May 10. Happy blogging!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Business & Web Development at Smart Solutions Week 2

With the formalities out of the way, I was able to spend the past five days working on the website. I set up two “demo sites” on the company's server, as previously mentioned, with one displaying the existing site with tweaks and another being a total overhaul. The former has already been finished and I think the overhaul is coming along pretty well. (I would link to previews, but this blog is public and internal corporate stuff is confidential etc etc etc)

I began working on tweaking a copy of the existing site last Tuesday (following the meeting on Monday), and had implemented all of the proposed changes by mid-Wednesday. If they end up choosing to go with the minor update, it's already available, sans some in-site content that I will need to work with employees to come up with (ie; text, photos, updated contact information).

Creating a revamped version of the website has been my primary focus since. The existing site runs on Wordpress with a custom theme. I figured I'd start from scratch, so I copied the site's users/pages/posts over to a fresh Wordpress installation with the default theme. I'm designing it with the existing color scheme (corporate colors, no choice, but I have no problem with them) and with a similar page layout in lieu of the original so that the changes won't seem too radical. I hope to finish or come close to finishing the overhauled version by the end of this week so I can have some time to collect feedback and go from there.

-John K.

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