1. Post a blog each week of at least 200 words. You could:
-describe something you learned that week
-explain something that surprised you about the week
-provide an update about projects you're working on
-explain how you solved a problem

Include images or video that you shoot on project-the combination of words and images is what makes a post interesting

2. Comment on one of your classmates' posts. Show your interest in what your classmate is doing on his/her project; make good feelings!

Let's agree that all blog posts are due by the end of the day on the last three Mondays during May, which means the first post is due by the end of the day on Monday, May 10. Happy blogging!

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Bun Man Comes to Visit...

The representative from the Nickles bread company came to the park around lunchtime with a few big containers of various bread products. Never before did I realize that picking out bread was such an important decision!

We first started with the hamburger buns. There were a lot of factors that went into the ultimate decision. We set all of the various buns out on the table and examined them. We looked at their sizes, their weights, etc. We also picked up all of the various buns in our hands and felt how firm / soft they were. Some of the buns were also significantly denser than others. We also looked at the aesthetic appeal of the buns. For example, some of the buns had more of a yellowish / light brown tint than others (which is desirable in retail locations). Some buns also had different types of toppings (like brushed garlic or herbs) which is desirable because it makes the buns look more substantial and expensive.

The winning hamburger bun is the one in the lower right hand side of the photo:

We then moved on to hotdog buns, where many of the aforementioned factors applied in this decision. We also debated between the hot dog buns with the split center verses the solid center. Also, we looked at the normal sandwich bread, garlic bread sticks, etc.

The next step involves taking all of these bread products into the park and actually working with them. They will test how they look with the actual hamburger patties / hot dogs / meat / etc. in them. They will also look at their moisture tolerance and shelf life.

Overall it was pretty cool to be able to help pick out the bun that will be eaten by hundreds of thousands of guests this summer!

- Andrew


  1. Never knew that so much went into picking out bread. Did you get to taste test them with the hamburgers and such?

  2. You definitely can... you just have to be in the right place at the right time! haha They let people taste test all sorts of things (pizza, burgers, etc). Today I tried out a new popsicle brand.
