1. Post a blog each week of at least 200 words. You could:
-describe something you learned that week
-explain something that surprised you about the week
-provide an update about projects you're working on
-explain how you solved a problem

Include images or video that you shoot on project-the combination of words and images is what makes a post interesting

2. Comment on one of your classmates' posts. Show your interest in what your classmate is doing on his/her project; make good feelings!

Let's agree that all blog posts are due by the end of the day on the last three Mondays during May, which means the first post is due by the end of the day on Monday, May 10. Happy blogging!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

following up

The site is complete and live as of this afternoon. The stakeholders chose my completely overhauled version of the site over the existing site with minor revisions.

Here it is: http://smartsolutionsonline.com/

Today my sponsor offered me a paid position at Smart Solutions, and I plan to start next week. Success!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


My story on Cleveland Flameouts will air tomorrow night, June 2, at 10:45 pm on WUAB 43's Sports Extra show. It's a 3 minute and 30 second story that I'm going to introduce, and also features me on the voice over. If you miss it, I'll also play it on Friday for my presentation.


Part 2 of Project: Boston

My time in Boston has definitely been a very different experience than that with ReCreation. I have spent my time with a family friend who is an otolaryngologist, head and neck surgeon, as well as a plastic surgeon. He has 2 offices, one affiliated with the Mass Eye and Ear hospital where he primarily sees his head and neck patients and the other is a private office for the cosmetic part of his practice. I was able to follow him at both offices during his days where he sees patients. It was interesting to see the differentiation in patients between the two practices. Most patients were willing to allow me to observe and very nice. On the day I went to his cosmetic office, some of those patients were a little more private, however many of the procedures are the same, so once I observed a couple I got the big picture. In his otolaryngology practice many of his patients suffer from allergies, head colds, hearing problems and some other mainstream ear, nose, and throat problems. However, Dr. Lazor does a lot with head and neck cancers and septoplastys. A septoplasty is basically when someone breaks their nose and the main portion of the cartilage is moved, which causes trouble breathing. Many of his patients have the surgery because of breathing problems as sometimes one side of their nose can be almost completely blocked. A rhinoplasty is similar except that it usually involves some type of cosmetic portion besides fixing the septum. I was able to observe in the OR with him a septoplasty, a rhinoplasty, as well as a cancer cell removal from the nose and a skin graft. All of the surgeries were interesting to watch, sometimes a little gruesome at some points but I was not grossed out. Watching them use the mallet to break/move the cartilage etc was probably the worst part. The last day I spent with his wife who is an anesthesiologist. That day she was working at a surgery center on the team with an orthopedic surgeon. These surgeries were all arthroscopic shoulder and knee surgeries. It was very interesting to watch this as it was much different from the rhinoplastys etc. Watching the surgeries from her point of view also gave me a different perspective. Although I obviously was not allowed to do anything pertaining to the patients care, I was able to help her load many of the drugs and antibiotics into the syringes and attach the needles. Overall I’m really happy that I explored this part of my project as it gave me more insight into the medical field.